The Repository of Blockchain Standardisation Activities is the main hub for Community to consult useful information on numerous past and ongoing standards related to Blockchain & DLT. It also includes a list of Technical Committees from the Standards Developing Organisations to which experts could apply within the scope of the project, thus contributing to foster European leadership in blockchain standardisation.

Within the Repository page, users can interact with more than 100 blockchain standards in the following catalogue, which is freely accessible to the interested users and will be kept regularly updated.

In particular, each standard in the Repository contains the following information:

  • Code of the standard
  • Year of publication
  • Title
  • Link to the standards’ page
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Source (Technical Committees / Working Groups)
  • Document type
  • Standard Developing Organisation

Easility navigate the Repository through the Search & Filter functionalities, explore the standards and find the most relevant to your interests!

Share the Repository!

The information contained in the Repository are non-exhaustive. Should you wish to add further information or to report any incorrect mentions, please do not hesitate to contact the BlockStand team at:


Categories and labels in the document have been added by the Blockstand consortium to facilitate and guide the consultation of the Repository. The chosen set of categories and labels represent a compromise for a wide range of users and experts and are related to the naming in various UN, WHO, ESO, ITU and ISO documents. However, there is no universal agreement and please do not consider them conclusive.

Web links to the original material are included, but there are no guarantees that the links are maintained or contain the same information as originally viewed. The project declines responsibility for any infringement of any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) but will be pleased to acknowledge any IPR and correct any infringement of which it is advised. Issues can be reported to

Are you aware of a standard that it not already listed in the Repository?

Feel free to submit the form below to help us expand the list. Before submitting, please double-check that the specific standard is not listed and kindly make sure that all the information provided are correct. For any questions, contact us at